
Friday, February 8, 2013


This is pretty serious... I actually love somebody again! :) I love these ppl I do bc i just do... i feel like i could really be friends w them and i would never say that about other people but i just love these girls bc they arent thrown on my by the paparazzi etc like other celebs, they dont owe us anything they just are ARE the way I would be, the way I feel, the way I am... I think I have an important family too... but no reason truly to be at the shows maybe other than wanting to see them and yes a sense on style fuck they sooo DO!!! I dont care about alll these people with shitty songs and shitty reasons and Beiber Fever,,, NO i like the Clarins girls :) I truly do bc I think I say one at Burning Man actually hahaha i swear and I took the best pic of her EVER EVER but then i think that her sister was the older one who wasnt there bc I never even really looked at them til that/this/seriously this story LOL MY DADS FAV CD USED TO BE THIS COLDPLAY RECORD THATS ON NOW... BUT SO FUNNY... MY OLD ROOMMATE ABBEY HATED IT! So how strange Oh brother I cant believe its true im so scared about the future and i wana talk to u take a pic of what u see in the future where would i be climb a ladder up to the sun something thats never been done. Are u lost or incomplete? do u feel like a puzzle? how doooo uuuu feeeeeeeellll??? talking in a language that i dont speak??? take a picture of something u see/// >>something thats never been done>>>>> SOMETHING THATS NEVER BEEN DONE>>>>>>>>>>> MY dads fav record was this one, Coldplay,,, im pretty sure after all these years,,, he loved this,,, i love it too Dad :). I dont feel IGNORED. promise. Im super happy to know. Cut me down a tree, brought it back to me, where i was going wrong... on a shelf. dont blame anybody. i could write a song a hundred million miles long, get lost and then get found. I love to write these lyrics down... Im happy to try to fix it, anyway I can. I do it all the time.
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